Initial Questions

  1. Capacity utilisation is calculated as used capacity/total capacity x 100

  2. 13,000 capacity 11,500 produced (2020) 14,000 produced (2021)

11,500/13,000 x 100 = 88.46%

14,000/13,000 x 100 = 107.69%

Utilisation change = 19.23%

  1. Running at high capacity utilisation means high efficency, so you are maximising profits.

  2. Running at high utilisation does not protect against contingencies. So you are vulnerable to faults.

High utilisation

  • No downtime, high defects
  • Equipment wears out faster
  • Increased stress for employees
  • Unexpected demand increases can cause a loss of sales

Low utilisation

  • High unit costs
  • Wasted resources
  • Difficult to compete effectively
  • Reduced job security
