Authoritarian: Absolute power to the boss, gives orders, does not delegate responsibility. Frequently used in highly regulated industries, low skilled jobs and areas where there is no time for debate (military, emergency services etc).

Paternalistic: Guides and helps subordinates and acts as a fatherly/motherly figure for people. Tends to see staff as part of the family - lots of staff like this management style. Higher staff loyalty is genuinely a result of this. Businesses that are smaller and where the employees have a very close link with their manager frequently employ this management style.

Democratic: Delegates most decision making to the group and doesn’t directly order people to do much. Everything is fairly open and negotiable. Staff are typically highly skilled in jobs where this leadership style is employed.

Laissez-faire: Very little care is taken, employees are told what to do and left to get on with it. Staff have to be very trusted and should know what they’re doing for this to work.

Leadership styles are important and should be considered by new businesses

This is developed upon in Management and Leadership
