Importing a module

Using the import keyword, you can bring a module into your code. You can then call any subroutines included within that module, in your code.

Here’s an example using the random module:

import random
myNum = random.randint(0,10)

Every time you run this script, it will print out an integer between 0 and 10.

Installing modules

Using pip you can install a Python module from the repositories.

Simply run the command pip install module-name to download a module. You can then import it into your program and use it.


Making a module

Make a new python file with the following content

def say_hi(first_name):
	print(f"Hi, {first_name}")

Then save this in the folder that you wish to call the module from - or the Python module library to call anywhere.

If you called this file then you can import it using import hello and call the procedure it includes using hello.say_hi("Bob").

Code to import and call

And here is the output:


Make sure you’ve saved both files in the same folder, otherwise this won’t work. Additionally, you can save the file you want to import in your Python path or environment, with the core libraries. (Or add your modules folder to your PATH variable)
