Hashing Algorithm

  • A hash in computer science is an algorithm that performs a complex calculation on some source data.
  • The intention is to produce a much smaller value.
  • The final value can only be produced from a limited number of inputs.

Pigeon Hole Principle

  • Because the hash is smaller than the original data it should be clear that there are more possible sources than there are possible hashes.
  • This idea is known as the pigeonhole principle.

Check Digit

  • A check digit is produced by a hashing algorithm
  • It is used to confirm that the data being processed has been received correctly
  • Used extensively in data capture devices such as barcode scanners.

Checksum Hash

  • Similar to a check digit but for much bigger data sets
    • Downloads that must be correct
  • A longer number is produced
  • This can be downloaded and compared to a locally produced checksum

Hash Tables

  • When data is stored in an organised way, such as a database table.
  • A hash can be used to determine where in the file data should be stored.
    • To determine where to write the data.
    • To determine where the data should be in order to read it.

Other uses of Hashing

  • Bloom filters
  • Encryption
  • Finding duplicate or similar data
