Static and dynamic data structures

  • This refers to the memory requirements of a data structure.
  • For a static data structure the memory requirements are known in advance and will not change over the lifetime of the program.
  • Dynamic data structures, by contrast, have varying memory requirements.
    • This requirement might change between executions of the code
    • But the requirement can also change during a particular execution.
  • Mission critical systems frequently forbid the use of dynamic data structures.

The heap

  • When a program is executed it is allocated a block of memory to run in.
  • The memory will be allocated as a multiple of a fixed size:
    • An operating system might allocate memory in 32KB blocks
    • So a program that needs 38KB will be allocated 64KB
  • The extra space is described as a heap
  • As the memory requirement for dynamic data structures increases, the extra space is allocated from the heap for that program.


  • A pointer is simply a variable that can be used to point to something
  • A pointer could contain a number that is an index in a list.
    • It is pointing to that position.
  • It could contain a number that is:
    • A memory location (perhaps the return address in a stack frame)
    • A position in a file
    • A record in a table
    • A function in a memory
    • An element in a list/array

Passing by value or by reference

  • When calling a subroutine we can pass it some values.

  • We can pass them by value.

    • We gave the subroutine a copy of the variable.
    • The subroutine works on its own copy, the original is left unchanged.
  • We can pass them by reference.

    • We give the subroutine a pointer to the variable.
    • The subroutine works on the value in the same memory location as the original value.
    • The memory location will have the most recent value from the subroutine so when control is returned to the calling program it sees the value that subroutine finished with.

Data Structures


  • Many programming languages have a data structure called an array.
  • An array is a single identifier with many values.
  • You reference the specific value by using the identifier and an index.
  • For example:
    • myArray[3]
  • In an array all elements must be of the same data type.
    • Therefore, they take up the same amount of memory.
    • Which means finding a particular element is easy.
      • address of array + (size of element * index)

Linked Lists

  • List elements can be any data type

    • This makes them more flexible than arrays
  • List elements can be of any size

    • So they can take up different amounts of memory
  • Finding a particular element means following links starting from the first item in the list until you find the item you want.

  • A linked list does not have to be stored continuously in RAM, whilst an array must be.

Stacks and Queues

  • Stacks and queues are special uses for arrays and lists
  • Stacks are LIFO
  • Queues are FIFO

The Stack Frame

  • Computers can only do one thing at a time.
    • Multiprocessor systems can only do one thing on each processor.
    • Multitasking systems give multiple tasks a small amount of attention.
  • Also they cannot keep track of more than one subroutine at a time.
  • So we push some data, which we call a stack frame, onto a call stack as each new subroutine is called.
  • It is used to restore the state of the computer to what it was before it began executing the subroutine once it has finished.
    • We pop the last stack frame from the call stack
    • The information in the stack frame allows us to restore all the registers.


  • Put simply, recursion is when you write a subroutine in terms of itself.
    • That means the subroutine calls itself.
    • The call will be a sub set of the data to be processed or a partially complete result
    • Once the subroutine has been called with a simple enough piece of data it can perform the calculation and the call stack begins to unwind.
  • The stack grows in size with recursion, whilst a loop maintains the stack size as it creates a stack frame. Put simply, a loop is iteration, whilst recursion is not.
# Example of recursion
def recursion(n):
	if n > 1:
		recursion(n//2) # On calling this line, we suspend the subroutine and add it to the stack frame
	print(n) # Once n !> 1, we process the stack frame, causing the program to spit out the inverse of what it previously printed.

Expected output:



  • A graph is a simplified way to represent connection data
  • The graph represents physical or logical connections
  • A graph is a form of abstraction

Edges and Vertices

  • Vertices are the things being connected
  • Edges are the connections
  • Vertices are occasionally called nodes
  • Edges are occasionally called connections

Representing a graph

  • Adjacency Matrix
  • Adjacency List


  • Edges can be:
    • Weighted
      • Indicates some kind of cost
        • Distance, cost, difficulty etc
    • Directed
      • Shows which way you can travel along an edge
        • One way street, winner in competition etc
  • Graphs can be:
    • Unweighted and undirected
    • Weighted
    • Directed
    • Weighted and Directed


  • A tree is a special kind of graph

  • Trees

    • Have no cycles
    • Are NOT directed
    • Are connected

Binary Trees

  • Binary trees are a specific kind of tree

  • A-level spec requires the ability to construct and traverse a binary tree in 3 ways:

    • Pre-order
    • In-order
    • Post-order
  • Different types of traversal get used for different reasons

  • Pre-order: Copying a tree. You need to create the parent before you can create its children.

  • In-order: Sort the contents.

  • Post-order: Deleting a tree. You need to delete the children before you can delete the parent.

Representing trees

  • When we represent a tree we usually use a linked list.
  • To store a binary tree we need two links for each data item:
    • Left
    • Right
