What is it?

  • A paradigm is simply the way you look at and make sense of the world

  • So a programming paradigm is a way of thinking about and expressing a computer program.

  • There are quite a few paradigms and some are related

    • Imperative: structured, procedural and object-oriented are examples
      • As a general rule, imperative languages explain how to do something step by step
    • Declarative: functional database (SQL) and mark-up languages (HTML)
      • As a rule, declarative languages describe the problem and the system knows how to deal with it

Structured Programming

  • Code that is imperative

    • That is, it defines a series of steps that must be performed to complete a task
  • Structured programming is a subset of imperative programming.

  • Structured programming sees the world as a sequence of tasks that can be broken down into small, easy to manage chunks

    • These chunks can be reused

Hierarchy or Structure Charts

  • A structure chart shows us the calling structure of a program
    • Which subroutines get called from where and what information is passed and returned.

*By Pluke - Own work based on: Structured Chart Example.jpg by ‍Sandia National Laboratories, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16283788 *

Pseudo Code

  • Pseudo means not genuine
  • Pseudo code allows you to think like a programmer while not needing to worry about the syntax of any given programming language

Finite State Machines

  • FSMs allow you to plan the states for a control system and what causes the transition from one state to another and any output.
  • A Mealy machine’s outputs are determined by it’s state and input: you label the output on the transition.
  • A Moore machine’s outputs are determined only by the current state: the output is labelled in the state.


  • Comments should enhance the readers understanding of the code
  • You can assume the reader can already understand code in the language it is written in.
  • Avoid in line comments where possible
  • Be consistent in terms of comment use
  • Comments are especially useful for:
    • Module headers
    • Subroutine headers
    • Explaining the logic behind changes
    • Logging code changes

What is “Object Orientated Programming”?

  • Code that is imperative
  • Object oriented programming is a subset of imperative programming
  • It sees the world as a collection of objects or things
    • You define a generalised example of a thing which includes all the programs and data that it needs to function
